Hola folks! Hope you guys are enjoying our winter special collection of coloring pages. ‘Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way’! Ring a bell? Of course, it does! It is the famous Christmas Jingle. We all know that Christmas is celebrated on the twenty-fifth of December each year. And most of us also know the reason behind these celebrations! Christians know it to be the birth date of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God.
A Mass service, often also called the Eucharist, is where Christians believe that Jesus Christ died and then came back to life for man. The service, ‘Christ-Mass’ took place only after sunset. From here we got the name, Christ-Mass, abbreviated to Christmas. We have some wonderful festivities coming up ahead. And to commemorate the same, we’ve got our young readers free printable Christmas coloring pages for preschoolers. Take a look at our collection of free Christmas coloring sheets for preschoolers to print below.
20 Free Printable Christmas Coloring Pages For Preschoolers:
Candy Cane Coloring Page For Preschoolers:

Even this sweet little treat carries a lot of significance for Christmas. The ‘J’ is meant to refer to ‘Jesus’. The white is representative of the purity Christ carried in his heart. The red stripes are a symbol of the blood Christ shed when he gave his life on the cross. And the hint of peppermint flavor is meant to represent the hyssop plant since it was used in the purification of the bible. Let us color this important sweet treat.
Christmas Angel And Stars Coloring Page:

Christmas Eve is an angelic time. Everything is pure and serene. There is a calmness in the environment and with it the excitement of something good happening everywhere. It is almost as if the angels brought down the starry sky with them to illuminate the light of humans. Such is an image we have for you. Let us get coloring this heavenly angel.
Reindeer On Christmas:

Reindeer have long been shown as majestic and beautiful creatures that can fly and carry Santa Claus’ sleight quickly around the world in a single night. They are Santa’s companions in spreading happiness in the form of gifts. But they will be happy today only when you color them bright and lively! Pick up the browns, the greens, and the red with a hint of black to complete this picture.
[ Related: Reindeer Coloring Pages ]
Baby Snowman:

Yes! It is winter during Christmas. And there is snow everywhere. What do we do with so much snow? We build snowmen; to play with and to make our yard look lively. Brew some hot coffee because you will need to spend some hours in below-zero temperatures to build this perfect companion. Get coloring with those whites.
[ Related: Snowman Coloring Pages ]
Cute Christmas Dog:

Do you have a dog? Does he look like this? Wait! Is he cuter? You are one lucky human! Dogs can sense happiness in us and no amount of number can describe their love for you. Celebrate this Christmas with your dog. Don’t forget to put on the hat before you color it.
[ Related: Dog Coloring Pages ]
The Reindeer Christmas Coloring Picture For Preschoolers:

Reindeers run Santa’s sleigh. But they have families too! Before they get to the job of making you happy, they decorate their homes with Christmas trees as well. Help Sandy by coloring this tree bright and lit up.
Christmas Cookie And Candy House:

No this is not another fairy tale. These are just good folks of Cookieville inviting you into their humble abode to celebrate a deliciously sweet and satisfying Christmas! Satisfy your taste buds by coloring this Cookie and Candy house in your favorite flavors!
Christmas Ornaments:

Christmas trees are celebrated with some standard yet beautiful ornaments. Here we have some such images. Color them bright so that your tree shines in the night.
[ Related: Christmas Ornaments Coloring Pages ]
Presents On Christmas:

Christmas is the occasion when we exchange gifts! I find it very exciting. They wait till the moment when everyone gathers to see what they have got. But wrapping up a gift is also an art. A beautifully wrapped gift indicates the thought that the person had while he was preparing it. Make sure you convey the right feelings by wrapping a gift flawlessly. Begin by coloring this page.
[ Related: Christmas Presents Coloring Pages ]
Christmas Tree For Notebook:

Want to celebrate Christmas in school? Well, print this page and color this beautiful Christmas tree in the way you like it. Voila! You have your own notebook Christmas cover page.
Christmas Wreath Coloring Page:

The evergreen used in making wreaths is symbolic of everlasting growth and life. And the circular shape marks the symbolism for eternity for it has neither a beginning nor an end. Color this beautiful wreath green. Don’t forget the red ribbon.
[ Related: Christmas Wreath Coloring Pages ]
Color By Number For Pre-schoolers:

All the pre-schoolers make some noise! Take a printout of this sheet. There are numbers marked on Santa’s attire. Each number relates to a particular color. Color the respective area corresponding to the numbered shade. You will have your very own Santa in no time. Let us begin!
Santa Sticker:
Here we have an easy Santa coloring page. Print multiple such sheets and quickly fill them up with red and black and white. You have your very own stickers now. Paste them anywhere you like to give things a Christmassy touch.
Happy Christmas Dog Coloring Sheet For Preschoolers:
Even dogs enjoy celebrating Christmas! Do you have a dog at home? Play with him this season. But don’t forget to treat him to his favorite snack as a Christmas present. Color this cute dog light brown and bring him to life.
Rudolph, The Reindeer:
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, is a very popular Christmas song and movie. He is the ninth reindeer of Santa Claus. He is the young chap with a lot of zeal and a peculiar red-nose. Although fictional he has become an important part of the Christmas celebrations. Let us enjoy his company by coloring this sheet of paper well.
Gingerbread Man:
The Gingerbread Man or the Gingerbread Boy is a popular folktale of the 1800s. On a Christmas day though, he makes for a mouth-watering treat and it feels very alive since he looks exactly like a man. Let us prepare some gingerbread of our own. Mix up that dough. But wait for color on this page first because you need to have a stencil to make his shape!
The Christmas Nativity Play:

The Christmas Pageant or the Nativity play is a play to re-narrate Jesus Christ’s story. It is performed to shed light on the events eventually leading to Jesus Christ’s birth. The play has Joseph, father of Jesus; Mary, mother of Jesus; Baby Jesus; a pastor, an angel, an ass, a cow, a camel, a horse, an elephant, and Biblical Magi. Together these characters portray the birth of Jesus in the realm of men. Let us color this auspicious event with respect!
[ Related: Nativity Coloring Pages ]
Santa Claus Coloring Page For Preschoolers:
Santa Claus is the man who rides across the globe on Christmas Eve spreading happiness to everyone all over the world. He is a kind, good-hearted angel. He wears a red suit with a black belt and boots. He has a long white beard and always wears a red hat. You will see him carrying a bag of gifts with him 24 x 7. Color this chubby, cute, and pure-hearted soul with all the love you have.
A Simple Christmas Hat For Pre-Schoolers:
Since childhood, I have always wanted to make a Santa’s hat on my own. Look at this outline of a hat. Color it bright red. As a break from the tradition, let us all become Santa to our Santa. Let us wear this hat on Christmas Eve and leave some gifts for Santa Claus. Perhaps, a “plum pudding”, which interestingly enough has no plums in it. Tradition demands that every family member must take part in the preparation of this delicious treat! What a great way to give the perfect gift to Santa Claus from everyone in the family. Color this hat well.
Christmas Stocking Coloring Page For Preschoolers:
There is a small story here! It is said that a poor farmer had three girls, struggling to meet the ends. The girls couldn’t be married because of poverty. St. Nicholas while passing from their town heard about their plight and wanted to help them but the farmer refused to take charity. So, one night he slid down the chimney and filled the girl’s recently washed socks with gold coins and then disappeared. Everything was well after that night. So, we hang these socks near the fireplace on a Christmas night. Let us color the legend well.
[ Related: Stockings Coloring Pages ]
We all have our family Christmas traditions. They are very unique and they strengthen the bond within the family. These traditions are then passed on from generation to generation. A way of not forgetting our roots, perhaps? Tell us about your family traditions while filling out these free Christmas coloring pages for preschoolers below.