Lent, the season of 40 days, (not including Sundays) is a throwback to the journey of Jesus across the cross. Starting on Ash Wednesday and ending on the Holy Saturday, the Lent season symbolizes the time Jesus Christ spent in the wilderness, avoiding the temptation of Satan. Sunday isn’t counted in the 40 days of Lent, because each Sunday is considered a mini-Easter. Below we have got some wonderful free printable lent coloring pages for kids. And it’s not just for kids; even adults can print out these Lenten or Lent coloring sheets. Take a look!
Free Printable Lent Coloring Pages
Lent Symbols Coloring Page:

This coloring page features the important symbols of the Lent season. It includes the stations of the cross, the ashes, sacrifice, confession, repentance, fasting, and prayer. But the most important is, tithe, which is taking out a bit of your savings for the poor. This is called thinking selflessly.
Ash Wednesday Coloring Page:

This coloring page features an adorable Ash Wednesday scene. Ash Wednesday is basically the first day of Lent and occurs 46 days before Easter. Ash Wednesday is observed by most of the Western Christians, including Lutherans, Anglicans, Roman Catholics, and Lutherans.
Jesus Being Tied To The Cross:

This heartbreaking coloring page features Jesus being tied to the cross for the crucifixion. This coloring page shows how Jesus laid down his life on Good Friday just for the wellbeing of his people. As they say, “No greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for another”.
People Praying To Jesus:

This coloring page is heart-wrenching as it features three men in pain and struggle. The two have given up, but the third one is praying to God for help. Whenever things go awry, we must join our hands and pray to God. There’s nothing God cannot change by his will.
Lent Symbol Coloring Page:

This coloring page features one of the symbols of the Lent season. You can paint this image in a myriad of ways. For instance, you can use gold for the tumbler, purple for the grapes, and green for the leaves.
Jesus Loves Me Coloring Page:

This is indeed a beautiful Lenten coloring page as it features a cross, with “Jesus Loves Me” written on it. There are even some flowers, probably hibiscus flowers, which you can fill in the brightest shades possible.
Lenten Calendar Coloring Page:

Here’s another wonderful Lenten calendar for your reference. The calendar begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with Easter. You must have seen some dates marked with fish, which symbolizes the dates you must not eat non-veg.
Free Lenten Activity Sheet:

Here’s a lovely and of course, free Lent activity sheet, in which you need to “make your way to the Holy Spirit” through the maze. The next activity involves putting the three words, “Rest Will Me” in the right spots to find the message.
A Little Girl Saying Her Prayer:

Here’s another adorable Lent coloring sheet that features a little girl praying before going to bed. We think it’s a lovely coloring page for parents who’re looking to instill some spirituality in their children, that too in a fun way.
Ash Wednesday Coloring Page:

Here’s another detailed and meaningful Ash Wednesday coloring page. It also states the fact that ashes remind us that the day God will call us to heaven, our bodies will return to ash. Furthermore, the ash also reminds us that our hearts are stained by sin.
Sunday Coloring Page:

This beautiful Sunday School coloring page requires you to find the five hearts hidden throughout the page. Once you find the hearts, you will get the keys to the kingdom of heaven. And of course, you can color it any way you want.
Children Praying:

This coloring page shows children praying in front of Jesus. The kids are kneeling while praying as they are with Jesus in a field. This coloring page would make an excellent addition to Sunday Schools and LDS as well.
[ Read: LDS Coloring Pages ]
Jesus Burial Coloring Page:

This coloring page features the burial of Jesus. Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, and the disciples of Jesus are carrying Him to the crypt. Even Mother Mary, along with some other women, is watching as the disciples are taking Jesus to the grave.
Good Friday Coloring Page:

This Good Friday coloring sheet shows Jesus, the son of God under the weight of the heavy Cross. It’s said the Jesus fell down thrice on his way to the Cross, precisely on the 3rd, 7th and 9th Stations. This Lenten coloring page will definitely make children compassionate of Jesus’ sufferings.
Holy Week Coloring Page:

Here’s a Holy Week coloring page, which is celebrated a week before Easter among Christians. It’s the last week of Lent, and includes Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Palm Sunday. Please note that it does not include Easter Sunday.
Jesus Carrying The Cross:

This Lenten coloring page shows the Son of God carrying the Cross while climbing the hill to Calvary. This compassionate coloring page is exuding all kinds of feelings. It was on Good Friday Jesus Christ carried the cross up Calvary.
40 Days Of Lent Coloring Page:

Here’s a beautiful 40 days of lent coloring page to print out. You can utilize the blocks or squares in this coloring page to write whatever you have sacrificed or your daily prayers. There’s even a small fish, which refers to the dates people must avoid meat. And you must have noted how Sundays are not included in this calendar.
Ash Wednesday Coloring Page:

Here’s another Ash Wednesday coloring page, showing the Church father making the ash cross on the forehead of the children. During Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, we pray that “God, if I’m doing anything wrong, that makes you sad, please show me and help me to change it”. Isn’t it thoughtful?
Tithe Coloring Page:

This coloring page shows an old and frail woman giving her share of the tithe, which means 1/10th part of the earnings, or anything for that matter, paid as a compulsory tax to the government or the religious organization.
Free Printable Lent Coloring Page:

Here’s another beautiful Lent coloring page stressing the importance of love. It states a verse from the Bible, “let us LOVE one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves, is born of God, and knows God.” It even features cute images and of course, a cross.
Our collection of free printable Lenten or Lent coloring pages will definitely keep you occupied and engaged during these 40 days. And not to forget, these coloring pages of Lent symbols will also imbibe good value in you. So what are you waiting for? Print out these free Lenten coloring pages right away.