It’s the end of October and Halloween is right around the corner. When it comes to Halloween, one of my favorite traditions is the costumes. Today’s topic of coloring pages is among the most popular choices for Halloween costumes. Any guess? Hint: They are no stranger to strange seas and ships. Yes, we are talking about the pirates.
Pirates are those who rob, steal, or perform other criminal violence upon other ships or in coastal areas. The ships used by the pirates for their acts of piracy are called pirate ships. While real-life pirates are dangerous and have caused serious damage to property and lives, the fictional pirates in films or books with stereotypical characteristics have gained immense popularity.
If you have read Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island” or J. M. Barrie’s novel, “Peter Pan”, then you will know what to expect from this collection of free printable pirate coloring pages. If you haven’t read or watched the film or series adaptations, get ready for an adventure time. Without waiting any further, let’s set sail upon the sea of adventure through this thrilling collection of Pirate coloring sheets to print.
37 Free Pirate Coloring Pages Printable
Blackbeard, Legendary English Pirate:
Blackbeard was a legendary pirate ruling the Caribbean Sea from 1716 to 1718. While his given name was Edward Teach, he became known and feared as the pirate Blackbeard who had the reins of the open waters around West Indies and eastern coastal areas of Britain’s North American colonies.
Pirate And His Parrot, Checking Their Book Treasure:
Unlike the treasure trunks of most other pirates that are filled with gold and jewels, this pirate has books in his treasure box. Look at that excitement as he adds a few more books to his collection. Even the bird seems to be super excited about it.
Boy Dressed As A Pirate:
This little boy has been planning on his Halloween costume for months. Now with the festivity just around the corner, he is already putting on a dress rehearsal for his family. It’s not just the clothes, he even managed to get himself a wooden sword.
A Typical One-Legged Cartoon Pirate:
One of the popular depictions of a pirate has been the wooden stump on one of his legs. Showcasing the same, we have a cartoonish illustration of a one-legged pirate on this coloring page. Always prepared to fight well, he has come ready with a sword as well as a gun.
Christmas Pirate Steals Christmas Gifts:
Are there pirates who steal Christmas? Wasn’t it the Grinch who stole Christmas? Some clever artists have come up with an interesting idea by mixing the concept of pirates with Christmas. Some poor family is getting deprived of their Christmas gifts under the tree, as this Christmas Pirate steals them away.
Dora Dressed As A Pirate:
The Latin American young protagonist of Nickelodeon’s Dora – The Explorer series, Dora, is all set for an adventure on the high seas, wearing a pirate costume. What do you think of her costume? Print this coloring page and give it adventurous colors. Don’t forget the parrot too.
Pirate Charging To Attack An Island Coast:
After traveling for days in the open seas, the pirates have found the island they were looking for. As soon as the ship nears the coastline, the captain raises his sword to charge the attack.
Pirate Stranded In A Boat With Broken Oar:
When you are a pirate, you get to experience all sorts of adventures in the water. Some are good and some are not so good. Like this unlucky pirate over here who got separated from the Pirate Ship and now he is stranded as he just broke one of his oars.
Jack Sparrow From The Pirates Of The Caribbean:
In recent times, if there is one pirate that has captured the imagination of the whole world, it is none other than Jack Sparrow. The main character in the extremely successful film franchise, The Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow uses his wit to escape dangerous situations.
Jake From Jake And The Never Land Pirates:
From one Jack to another. This one is spelled differently. It’s Jake from the successful animated television series, “Jake and the Never Land Pirates”. As the name suggests, this musical series is based on Disney’s popular Peter Pan film franchise.
Mickey Mouse Dressed As A Pirate:
Speaking of Disney, here we have the mascot of the Walt Disney Company and one of the most popular cartoon characters in the world – Mickey Mouse. In keeping with our topic, Mickey has decided to come dressed up as an old-world pirate.
Read: Mickey Mouse Coloring Pages
Old And Experienced Pirate:
Wild adventures and dangerous trips. That’s the life story of an old and experienced pirate, like the one illustrated here. He must have lost his right hand during one such incident. With his long beard and serious visage, he looks every bit like a formidable pirate.
One-Eyed Pirate Close-Up:
This one might be a little too scary. The one-eyed look adds to this Pirate’s scary persona. He even seems to be grinding his teeth in anger. Print this coloring page and be sure not to make a single mistake while coloring this illustration.
P For Pirate Coloring Page:
It’s time now to learn the English alphabet and going by today’s topic, you guessed it right, it’s the letter P. Presenting the huge “P for Pirate” text is an illustration of a boy who seems to have found a treasure chest.
Pirate 101 Coloring Page:
Bringing the world of pirates and their adventures to the modern world, we have Pirate101 illustration on this coloring page. A fun Pirate game that is suitable for people of all ages, Pirate100 was created by KingsIsle Entertainment.
Pirate And His Parrot Celebrating:
Finding a treasure is always a jubilant time. More so if the treasure turns out to be as rich as the one this pirate and parrot duo have just dug up. The whole treasure trunk is full of precious jewels and coins.
Pirate Cat Means Business:
Just because it’s a cat, don’t assume it will be as cuddly as their real-life counterparts. This illustrated cat is a Pirate Cat with the characteristic personality of a pirate. He is even equipped with a sword to teach his enemies a lesson.
Read: Cat Coloring Pages
A Cartoonish Stereotypical Pirate:
This cartoonish illustration represents all the stereotypical characteristics of a pirate – the pirate hat, metal hook, on one hand, a wooden stump on one leg, and of course a sword. Print this coloring page and fill it with typical pirate colors.
Treasure Island Illustration:
Among the best-known pirate stories in the world is Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island. Here we have the one-legged antagonist of the book, Long John Silver, lamenting the loss of the treasure as Captain Flint’s pirate ship Walrus sinks.
Detailed Old Pirate Coloring Page:
This illustration also showcases all the typical traits of a pirate, but there’s something different about this. It seems like the pirate represented here is of a high rank, certainly a captain, from the detailed costume and refined accessories.
Pirate Gets Cooking:
The pirate ship is just like any other large ship of that time. It comes equipped with sleeping quarters and of course a kitchen too. For this pirate ship, it’s going to be a great meal for dinner tonight. Look at this adept pirate cooking some wonderful dishes.
Pirate Counting His Treasure:
There is a proper code of conduct that the pirates follow when it comes to sharing the treasure among themselves. After all the shares were distributed, this curious old pirate counted his treasure watched over by his faithful little bird.
Pirate Dreaming About Treasure Chest:
This pirate has worked hard to find the treasure. After traveling around with his treasure map, he finally found the spot and dug it up. Now, looking at this chest, he can almost see the treasure hiding inside.
Pirate Enjoying His Meal:
Finally, dinner is ready, and everyone is enjoying their meal. This pirate is relishing his meal by eating in his quarter along with some tasty drink. Print this coloring page and give this illustration some delicious colors.
Pirate Flag or Jolly Roger:
The pirate flag is symbolized by the skull and the crossbones on black fabric. It’s one of the key things that lets anyone in the sea easily identify a pirate ship from afar. The flag is traditionally known as the Jolly Roger.
The Tricorne Pirate Hat:
As you might have seen in several of these illustrations, the pirates are wearing different kinds of hats. This style is known as tricorne or tricorn because of the shape with three points. The hat also has a skull and crossbones in its design.
Pirate Looking Through The Binoculars:
To keep a check on their route or any danger, there is a raised platform high up on a ship. Known as Crow’s Nest, these are safe for one or two pirates at a time. This pirate is on his watch, looking through the binoculars for any signs of trouble.
Pirate Captain Watching Over His Ship:
You can see a sense of pride on this Pirate Captain’s face as he watches over his crew from the deck. They just completed a tough mission with flying colors. Print this coloring page and fill the scene with rejoicing colors.
Pirate Parrot Coloring Page:
After Jolly Rogers and the Pirate Hat, here is another thing that has become associated with pirates. Give bright colorful details to this parrot – often depicted as being a pirate’s constant and loyal companion.
Pirate Resting On A Hammock:
Here you can see the Pirate Parrot resting on the tree while the pirate sleeps soundly on a hammock. Using the two trees the pirate has ingeniously tied his hammock to make a comfortable bed.
Pirate Ship Sailing Boldly:
This is a good day for the pirates on this ship. The weather is pleasant with the sun shining brightly and the crew’s spirits are high as well. Motivated and hopeful, they are going about their tasks diligently.
Pirate Ship In Trouble:
This is not a good day for this Pirate ship. The ship is in deep trouble. Stuck in a storm and a rocky area, the pirate must figure out quickly how to save his ship. Print this coloring page and give some encouraging colors.
Pirate Stealing A Computer:
This modern pirate knows the value of technology as he quickly steals a computer. With changing times, even pirates have to learn to adapt.
Pirate Sword Coloring Page:
Not too long and with a slightly curved blade, the swords used by the pirates are known as a cutlass. You can see the details of the swords in this illustration, including the handles.
Pirate Treasure Chest:
If this coloring page was real, then the pirates would have already attacked this collection to get a hold of this treasure chest. Made of wooden components, this treasure chest holds gold coins as its treasure.
Pirate’s Treasure Map:
Here is another prized possession for every pirate – a treasure map. The treasure on this map is marked with an X and it is on a remote island called Dead Man Island.
Zombie Pirate Coloring Page:
This is how a pirate would look like if it became an undead creature. Make sure to fill in some spooky colors in this scary-looking illustration of a zombie pirate.
Read: Zombie Coloring Pages
With that scary illustration, we have reached the end of this adventurous printable collection inspired by the world of pirates. We hope you greatly enjoyed filling in colors in all these different pirate coloring images depicting the fun, wild, and dangerous facets of a pirate’s life. But remember, while it is interesting in fiction, piracy is an illegal activity in real life.