Disney Junior’s animated series “Puppy Dog Pals”, revolves around two fun-loving brothers Bingo and Rolly who love playing and exploring the neighborhood together when their owner, Bob leaves home for work. That’s not all! They even have a cute, little cat sister, Hissy, and an Automatic Doggy Robotic Friend or ARF, who accompanies them in their adventures. So relive the fun of the series with our collection of free printable Puppy Dog Pals coloring pages. So go through our list of Puppy Dog Pals coloring sheets below.
Free Printable Puppy Dog Pals Coloring Pages
Bingo And Rolly:
Here’s a coloring sheet of two of the most adorable pugs in the world, Rolly, and Bingo. In every episode, we get to see 11-minute stories showcasing Rolly and Bingo’s differences and similarities, while demonstrating lessons about creativity, collaboration, friendship, and problem-solving capabilities.
Puppy Dog Pals Characters Coloring Page:
This coloring page features four main characters of the Puppy Dog Pals series, Rolly, Bingo, Hissy, and ARF. Print out this coloring sheet on construction paper and cut it out along the dotted lines. You’ll get cards, which you can use for playing with your friends.
Puppy Dog Pals Logo Coloring Page:
If you want to organize a Puppy Dog Pals birthday party, this black and white logo might come useful for you. The logo has thick lines. Hence, even preschoolers can easily fill the image. Even if they can, I’m sure the mommies will help them.
A.R.F., one of Bob’s invention is a robot dog, which causes a lot of trouble in the house. But a good guy that A.R.F is, he fixes everything and cleans it up before Bob comes home. A.R.F. is a gray-blue colored robot dog with bright blue eyes.
The adorable cat you see here is Hissy, Bob’s pet, and Rolly and Bingo’s friend and sister. The issue with Hissy is that she always tends to get in trouble. However, Bingo and Rolly still save her. Hissy even loves to play with her toy mouse, which can even run.
Rolly In The Christmas Spirit:
It’s Christmas, and Rolly wishes to be one of Santa’s reindeer. He has even placed antlers on his head so that Santa mistakes him for one of his reindeer. He has even decorated himself with a star tree topper and Christmas spirit.
[ Read: Christmas Coloring Pages ]
Here’s a coloring page of Bingo, a pug who helps people when Bob is not in the house. Some of the ways Bingo helps people is by cleaning the house, making Hissy feel better when she’s low and going to Hawaii. Would you like to have a dog like Bingo? I’d love to!
The Two Pals:
Where are the two buddies Rolly and Bingo headed? While one of them looks happy, the other seems totally baffled. He’s rolling his eyes as if he has seen something surprising. What could it possibly be?
Cute Hissy:
Here’s another coloring page of Hissy for you to print out. She’s a purple and white-colored cat, with light purple stripes. Her green eyes are truly mesmerizing, and so is her purple nose. Hissy appears in the show wearing a dark purple bow tie.
[ Read: Cat Coloring Pages ]
Here’s another coloring page of the adorable Bingo. Bingo is a dark gray colored pug with beautiful green eyes and curled up tail. Bingo is always shown wearing a dark blue collar, which has a light blue lightening mark on it.
Meet Rolly, the cute, little pug who loves to play with his brother Bingo, his ball and of course, his owner Bob. Rolly is a bit silly, which often lands him in trouble. He even loves to chew things, and has a large collection of sticks.
Rolly Posing:
How cute is Rolly looking in this picture? For coloring this image, you have to use light brown and white for the body, red for the collar, dark brown for the mouth, and blue for the eyes. It will make it look lifelike.
These free printable Puppy Dog Pals coloring pages will definitely refresh you after a long day at school. How about printing out all these Puppy Dog Pals coloring sheets to create a coloring book? It would be even more fun. Let us know what you feel about the idea in the comment section below. You can also check out our Happy Birthday coloring pages in the meantime.