Hey pals! Ready for an early New Year celebration this year? After all, Rosh Hashanah is here! Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of New Year’s Day according to the Jewish calendar. It comes three months earlier than the regular New Year, which is in September. And not only is there an opportunity for an early celebration, but the celebration lasts for two days, instead of the usual one! It begins on the first Sunday of September each year. Celebrations are two days long, this year Rosh Hashanah begins on September 9 and ends on September 11. Who is ready to have a blast with these free printable Rosh Hashanah coloring pages? We can hear a lot of noise now. So let us begin filling some free Rosh Hashanah coloring pages to print.
20 Free Printable Rosh Hashanah Coloring Pages
The Jewish New Year Coloring Page:

Rosh Hashanah refers to “Head of the Year”. The mind is the controller of our body. We cannot function without it. Carrying the same analogy, it is believed that our actions and behavior have tremendous ripples on the rest of our year. So, while coloring this page, remain happy.
Rosh Hashanah Feast Coloring Page:

Rosh Hashanah feasts are quite intriguing. Bread dipped in honey, a slice of apple with honey on the side, the head of a fish, and even pomegranates. What is more interesting is that each food represents a prayer that is likely to be fulfilled for you. Let us color these tokens and find out by a lucky draw which of our prayers will be answered.
[ Related: Food Coloring Pages ]
Pray Well:

Prayers form a significant part of the celebrations. The morning prayers are significantly longer. The prayers are written in a book called Machzor. The mouth instrument you will color orange is called a shofar, and blowing it is an important part of the ceremonies.
Charity Coloring Page:

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, follows Rosh Hashanah, and just a day before it is customary for families to do charity generously. Let us make someone else’s New Year a happy one too. Donate liberally to those who need it. It is an act of love. Color this page well.
Shofar Blowing Coloring Page:

Blowing the shofar is auspicious for the ceremonies. Thirty-morning blasts are followed by seventy additional during the Musaf service. Paint the instrument orange or a shade of brown.
Tzedakah Coloring Page:

Tzedakah is a Hebrew word, meaning ‘justice’ or ‘righteousness’. It refers to the duty that a man carries towards his fellow beings to help them in any way he can. Color this beautiful thought.
Rosh Hashanah Coloring Picture:

The festival is just around the corner! Get ready to send out invitations and print this banner to paste the outside your home, to mark the beginning of celebrations.
Blessing On New Fruits Rosh Hashanah:

On the second night, the usual fruits are not eaten. Instead, a new fruit, that has just come in the new season is feasted upon. A different tradition deserves the painters’ respect.
Candy Time:

Have you seen those colorful red, green, blue, etc., gumballs? Celebrate Rosh Hashanah and get a jar of them to celebrate. Before you finish those crackers, color this page well.
Celebration Time On Rosh Hashanah:

A New Year calls for a new beginning. Forget your worries, forgive those who hurt you, and forge new friendships. Color this and let it serve as a reminder.
Sweet Tooth On Rosh Hashanah:

Who doesn’t love sweets? And a non-fatty, natural one! Enjoy the apple dipped in honey, this Rosh Hashanah, and satisfy these sweet cravings without guilt.
Torah Reading:

Prayer reading is held on both days of Rosh Hashanah and the activity is called Torah. The passages are read from a Torah scroll and the reading is a public event. Color the prayer meeting auspiciously.

This Rosh Hashanah, wish everyone you come in contact with a good day to you or ‘Motzei Yom Tov’. Spread a few smiles while coloring this.
The Day Of Forgiveness Rosh Hashanah:

Ponder on the past actions of this year. Remember how you broke the vase and blamed it on your little sister? Or how you kept your room all dirty, and your mother had to clean it all up daily. Amend your actions, ask for forgiveness, and take an oath to be a better person this year.
Preparations Of Rosh Hashanah:

Gather all the things you need this new year. Apples, pomegranates, honey, don’t forget honey and the shofar. Invite your friends and family and get the celebrations going. Colour this page before you begin and make sure to create a checklist of items so that you don’t forget anything.
The Beginning Of The New Year:

New Year entails new beginnings. Learn to love again, forgive those who hurt you, ask for forgiveness from those you hurt, make some new resolutions, make yourself better this year than in any of the previous years, and swear by your moral values. Make this and the years to come healthy, peaceful, and prosperous.
Rosh Hashanah Printable:

Greeting people is important for celebrations. Rosh Hashanah has some specific greetings for first-night prayers and the other days. Google the prayers before you color this page.
Yom Kippur Coloring Page:

The Yom Kippur ends with a long blast of this horned instrument. Yom Kippur refers to the Day of Atonement. The healthy adults even fast on Yom Kippur. They aren’t allowed to eat or drink, water included. So, eat well the day before to keep your energy high. Color the page properly.
Shofar- The Symbol Of Rosh Hashanah:

Shofar forms an incredibly important part of Rosh Hashanah. Listening to its sound is a commandment for the day as per tradition. Color the symbol with respect.
Yom Kippur Coloring Sheet:

The Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement is ended with the sound of the shofar. Tradition demands the horn to be a ram’s horn or that of a ‘greater kudu’. Color the label righteously.
While filling these Rosh Hashanah coloring pictures, you’ll also learn a lot about Jewish tradition. Gather the right knowledge and begin your preparations after finishing these Rosh Hashanah coloring pages printable. Let us take a pledge early this year to be better humans.