What was the first memory you have of cars? Maybe, it was playing with car toys as a young kid, like most of us did in our childhood. Maybe, it was traveling in a cab. Was it in books or on TV? Perhaps, it is difficult to remember the first memory. Nevertheless, one thing is certain. In today’s day and age, it is impossible to grow up without experiencing cars in our lives. Today, we will be looking at some of the classic as well as modern cars manufactured throughout the history of time in our collection of car coloring pages.
Once humans had invented the wheel, traveling and transportation became much easier. As technology developed with time, the earlier animal-drawn carts and carriages were replaced with engine-powered vehicles. Scientific research and innovations led to further discoveries and inventions resulting in the manufacturing of cars and other vehicles of different shapes, sizes, and types that we see on the road today. Let’s go on a ride and take a look at the different cars invented over the years through this collection of car coloring sheets to print.
35 Free Car Coloring Pages Printable
1930s Chevy Coupe:

Starting the collection is a classic car from a classic company – Chevrolet. Introduced in the 1930s, the Chevy Coupe is part of the Chevrolet Series AD Universal edition. While there are other body types available for the model, the one illustrated here on this coloring page shows the 2-door coupe, often simply called the 1930s Chevy Coupe.
1936 Stout Scarab:

Looking at the illustration on this coloring page, you might think the car, the 1936 Stout Scarab, got its name from the design. But actually, it is named after William Bushnell Stout who designed this American car. The design is also attributed to be one of the earliest versions of a minivan.
1940 Ford Pickup:

The 1940 Ford pickup truck was made by the Ford Motor Company as part of its 1937 – 1940 Ford line of cars. It is powered by two flathead V-8 engines and comes with a pointed hood. Print this coloring page and give this classic car some good old classic colors.
1946 Plymouth De Luxe Coupe:

This sleek car was produced as part of the 1946-50 model year by Plymouth. The American manufacturer offered the De Luxe in several different styles including this coupe-style you can see on this coloring page.
1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe:

Chevrolet produced a trim line of cars known as Chevrolet Deluxe in 1941, with a new body style introduced for the same in 1949. This was to showcase the company’s new styling post the war. You can fill in awesome colors for this 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe on this coloring page.
1954 Studebaker Commander Starlight Coupe:

Studebaker, an American car manufacturing company that was defunct in 1967, produced the Starlight Coupe from 1947 to 1951. In 1953 designer Robert E Bourke redesigned to produce two model ranges: Champion and Commander. This illustration shows the 1954 Studebaker Commander Starlight coupe with five windows pillared.
BMW 507 Roadster:

The German company BMW manufactured a roadster, an open two-seater car called the BMW 507 from 1956 to 1959. Looks super-stylish and sleek, doesn’t it? It’s not surprising that Elvis Presley owned two of these cars.
Fill In Details On This Car Ride Silhouette:

The side view of a car, while it is being driven, looks somewhat like this. The details like the faces and car design have not been filled. Print this coloring page and bring out the details of the driver, the passenger, and the car with your colors.
Put On Your Seatbelts And ride Safe In Your Car:

When using any kind of transport, ensuring one’s safety is of prime importance. Whether you are using public transport or traveling in your car, always take safety measures seriously. In cars, always remember to put on your seatbelts and remind others to do the same.
Cats Enjoying A Nice Car Ride:

When the weather is pleasant outside, it can be an ideal time to enjoy a nice car ride. That’s exactly what these two cats are doing today. Greet them hello with your pleasant colors and wish them a wonderful journey.
Charles B. King 1893 First Car Design:

Charles Brady King was an American engineer and an automotive pioneer who designed his first car in 1893. Apart from the design, he also built the car, as illustrated on this coloring page, and took it for a test drive. This was the first horseless carriage or the first car in Detroit.
Chevrolet Series 490 Roadster:

The Chevrolet Series 490 was manufactured between 1915 and 1922 in mid-size class with different body styles. This series was a grand success for the company. Illustrated marvelously on this coloring page is the Chevrolet Series 490 Roadster.
Citroën 2 CV – The Ingenious Economy Car:

Citroën, the French automobile manufacturer, developed the Citroën 2 CV to help motorize farmers in France. Citroën 2 CV or Citroën Deux Chevaux was in production for over forty years, lasting from the year 1948 till its last year in 1990. The minimalistic genius design with intelligent applications has been appreciated by critics over the years.
Classic Convertible Car – Open Or Close Design:

Convertible cars give you the option of enjoying a drive without the roof when you feel like or feel cozy with the roof in place. This illustration shows a classic design of a convertible car with the roof retracted to showcase the open-air look.
Convertible Coupé Concept Car:

This illustration showcases a concept design for a convertible coupe car. Feels like a racing car-inspired convertible look, doesn’t it? You can add your contribution to this concept car by giving it a set of colors you like.
Disney Cars Coloring Page:

Cars is an animated movie franchise from Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures. This illustration features a shot from the first movie, simply titled Cars, which was released in 2006. The story tells the journey of a rookie racer Lightning McQueen.
Ferrari 166 MM Barchetta:

Ferrari manufactured a sports racing car called the Ferrari 166 S, 12 in total, between 1948 and 1953. This was updated to the super successful, Ferrari 166 MM. Most of these were built in a Barchetta form, open style, or with convertible roofs. Barchetta means “little boat” in Italian.
Ferrari 275 GTB:

Ferrari 275 is a series of grand touring automobiles produced by the company and powered by a V12 engine in the front. Ferrari 275 GTB, as illustrated on this coloring page is the coupe version of the series.
Ford Model A (1928):

Ford Motor Company found another success with Ford Model A after its first with the Model T. Ford Model A, designated 1928 model, was in production from 1927 to 1931. It was produced in various body styles, including this Ford Model A Tudor Sedan illustrated on this coloring page.
Ford Mustang Coloring Page:

Here’s one of the classic cars, the Ford Mustang, manufactured by Ford. It created what came to be known as the “pony car” class – bringing affordability to sporty car design. Ford Mustang has been in continuous production since its debut in 1964.
Formula One Race Car Coloring Page:

When it comes to car racing, the Formula One championship easily comes to mind. This cool illustration showcases one of the several designs of a Formula One race car you can find. Print this coloring page and give it your own set of color combinations.
Garfield Goes On A Car Ride:

Garfield seems to have taken time out of his lazy and comfortable routine in the house. He seems to be having a good time going on a ride in a sleek convertible.
GAZ 24 Volga:

The Russian automotive manufacturer, GAZ, produced the GAZ-24 Volga from 1970 to 1992. It was available as a sedan, wagon, and convertible in a 4-door design. Volga cars were a luxury symbol in its early days and GAZ-24 Volga taxis were widely popular due to their durability and ability to withstand long travels.
Hot Rod Coloring Page:

Mostly old, classic, or modern American cars, bearing huge engines are referred to as Hot Rods. The engines are most often modified to give faster speed. Make this illustration of a Hot Rod appealing by adding stylish colors.
Lamborghini Coloring Page:

Looking at this illustration you can easily identify this as a Lamborghini. You must have seen this car in several stylish music videos and films. Lamborghini is an Italian company that makes luxury sports cars and SUVs.
Mercedes Coloring Page:

Mercedes-Benz is a German company that is one of the leaders in the automobile industry. Apart from manufacturing luxury vehicles they also produce buses, coaches, and ambulances among others. You can see one of its premium luxury vehicles illustrated beautifully on this coloring page.
Mini Cooper Coupe Coloring Page:

Mini Cooper Coupe was manufactured from 2011 to 2015 by Mini, a British automotive marque which is owned by BMW. As seen in this illustration, the Mini Cooper Coupe comes with a hardtop design.
NASCAR Coloring Page:

The word NASCAR has become synonymous with car racing. Short for the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, NASCAR is an American company. You can see an illustration of one of its popular races in progress in this illustration.
Police Car Coloring Page:

The sirens are blaring, and the lights are blazing on this coloring page. That is because this is an illustration of a police car. Print this page and give this police car its accurate colors.
Rolls-Royce Coloring Page:

This classic Rolls-Royce illustrated on this coloring page is manufactured by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited. The British luxury automobile subsidiary is owned by BMW. Print this page and capture the luxurious styling with your exquisite coloring skills.
Sports Car Coloring Page:

One look and you can tell this isn’t the kind of car you normally see on the road. That’s because this is a sports car with powerful engines. The kind you might have seen in action movies.
SUV Car Coloring Page:

Sport Utility Vehicle or SUV is an automobile category that brings together the features of off-road vehicles with passenger cars. Over the years, various definitions have emerged thanks to various models produced in the market.
Truck Coloring Page:

A truck is designed to help load stuff, be it heavy cargo or other things. There are different sizes and designs of trucks suited for different modes of work. Here you can see a more common version of a truck that is suitable for personal use or small businesses.
Vintage Car Coloring Page:

Old cars have a charm of their own. The stylish ones with a classic look are often referred to as vintage cars. This delightful vintage car is adding to the beauty of someone’s garden in this illustration.
VW Beetle Or Volkswagen Type 1:

Volkswagen Beetle is one of the most manufactured cars that began production in 1938 and ended in 2003. The car is also known by several other names or nicknames, with Volkswagen Type 1 being its official name. Print this page and bring to life this 2-door economy car with your colors.
With that classic Volkswagen car, we have reached the end of our joyful collection of car coloring images. I hope you enjoyed this ride, time traveling in different cars through these car coloring pictures. You can bring along your family and friends for the ride next time. Most cars run on fossil fuel, causing greenhouse gas emissions, one of the leading contributors to rising global warming. This is why over the years, several other alternatives have been and are being developed. From solar cars to electric cars, scientists and innovators are continuously working to make our transportation as energy-efficient and as less damaging to the environment as possible.