We spy with our little eyes something green, tall and abundantly found in nature. You guessed it right. We are talking about trees. You must have seen quite a few of them just today on your way back from school. If you have observed them closely then you know that they come in different shapes and sizes. Let’s get to know a bit more about them in our free printable tree coloring pages.
Trees generally consist of a trunk, branches with leaves, fruits, and flowers above the ground and roots below the ground. Different climates and geographical conditions play an important role in the kind of trees that grow in different regions.
One of the major contributors to oxygen on earth, trees are also responsible for various needs of humans and animals like being the source of food, materials for housing, and other products like paper, household items, and more. Let’s take a closer look at the different trees through this collection of tree coloring sheets to print.
35 Free Tree Coloring Pages Printable
Acacia Tree AKA Mimosa:

Starting today’s collection is a magnificent-looking tree, the Acacia tree. Known by several other names like wattle or mimosa, you can see how striking the tree looks in this illustration. Print this page and give this wonderful scenery with the acacia tree as the highlight of some cool colors.
American Larch Tree Or Larix laricina:

You can see the close-up of the leaves with the fruits in this illustration of the American larch tree. Known scientifically as Larix laricina, the American larch tree ranges from small to medium in height and is also called by other names like tamarack or red larch.
American Sweet Gum Tree:

This is another tree that is native to America. Just like the American larch tree, the American sweetgum tree also has several other names like star-leaved gum and redgum. The illustration highlights the star-shaped leaves of the tree and the fruit, along with the full length of the tree.
Apple Tree With Loads Of Apple:

This one you will surely know and must have eaten its fruit several times in your life. The apple tree is one of the most abundantly grown trees in the world, having its origin in Central Asia.
Bamboo Tree – The Evergreen Tree:

One of the most versatile trees in the world Bamboo tree is a tall, slender evergreen tree. Several products are made out of the tree, from building houses and furniture to being used to create tools and cutlery like spoons, etc. Give this slender illustration of the tree some splash of color.
Banyan Tree Coloring Page

The Banyan Tree is the national tree of India and it can propagate to a large area. The branches form roots that fall to the ground and grow into another portion of the tree, thus expanding it all around the main tree. You can see this detail in the illustration here on this coloring page.
Baobab Tree – Strange Looking Tree:

One look at this tree and you will feel surprised because the Baobab tree is a strange-looking tree with a bulbous tall trunk and a heady crop of branches and leaves. If you have seen the animated film Madagascar, you might have seen these trees which are found in Madagascar.
Black Gum Tree:

Growing up to medium size, the Black gum tree is native to North America. Known by several other names like sour gum or black tupelo, the Black gum tree is scientifically named Nyssa sylvatica. Print this coloring page and give the tree and the leaves your best coloring skill.
Bonsai Tree – The Tiny Tree:

The art of creating tiny trees known as bonsai practice is popular as a hobby and a business. Most of the bonsai trees are developed from a normal plant sample which could be a seed, cutting, or even a young tree. These are then cultivated and shaped expertly to get the bonsai tree as you see in this illustration.
Canadian Hemlock Tree:

Native to Canada in eastern North America, the Canadian Hemlock tree can reach up to 80 feet or even higher. Scientifically known as Tsuga Canadensis, the Canadian Hemlock tree is a coniferous tree, which you can make out from the close-up of the needle-like leaves in the illustration.
Cartoon Tree Having A Laugh:

Keeping things light and hearty is this fun illustration of a tree. Look at that huge nose and that wide-open mouth as the tree seems to be laughing about something. You can think about some funny jokes while you print and color this tree.
Celtic Tree Of Life:

The Celt refers to the collective culture of those belonging the Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and a few others around the region. This symbol of the Tree of Life is sacred to the Celts and stands for rebirth, representing the life cycle of a tree.
Fully Decorated Christmas Tree:

Pretty soon you will be decorating your own Christmas tree in the house. Since there’s still a bit of time left for it, in the meantime, you can help make this Christmas tree as beautiful as it can be by filling it with colorful decorations.
Coconut Tree Coloring Page:

If you look at a coconut tree it looks very similar to a palm tree. That’s because the coconut tree belongs to the family of palm trees. You must have had coconut, if not the fruit directly then something with its flavors, like coconut cakes, biscuits, etc.
Dogwood Tree Coloring Page:

Having the scientific name of Cornus Florida, the Dogwood tree can reach up to a height of about 40 feet. The smallest Dogwood tree can be around 15 to 20 feet tall. Native to eastern North America, the Dogwood tree belongs to the family Cornaceae.
Eastern Black Walnut Tree:

Belonging to the family Juglandaceae, the Eastern American Black Walnut tree is also native to North America. Scientifically known as Juglans nigra, you can get a closer look at the leaves as well as the entire length of the Eastern American black walnut tree in this illustration.
A Huge, Shady Tree Along The Road:

While you are traveling you might have come across trees on the roadside along your journey. Some of the trees are huge like the one illustrated here, with an expansive network of branches and leaves, providing shelter and shade to humans and animals alike who are traveling on foot.
George Washington And The Cherry Tree:

The former president of the United States of America, George Washington has been a part of the cherry tree myth. It is a legendary tale of how as a young boy after receiving an ax as a gift, he was so excited that he ended up cutting his father’s cherry tree. When questioned, instead of lying, he admitted and was appreciated for his honesty by his father.
Honey Locust Tree:

Belonging to the family Fabaceae, the Honey Locust tree is a deciduous tree with tiny leaves as you can see in the illustration here. Native to the central North American region, the Honey Locust tree is also known as the Thorny Locust and its seeds are a source of food to livestock and wild animals such as rabbits, deer, and a few others.
Two Kids Planting A Tree:

It is always a good thing if you can manage to plant trees and care for their growth. In keeping with the environmental issues faced by the world, planting more trees will certainly help to contribute, even if in the smallest of ways to fight climate change. Just like these two kids are doing in their backyard.
Lemon Tree With Lots Of Lemons:

Native to the South Asian region, specifically the Northeastern parts of India, the Lemon tree and its yellow fruit with its sour taste forms an important part of the world, especially used in culinary and for cleaning. The fruit makes for an interesting drink you must have had loads of in your life – lemonade.
Man Picking Apples From Apple Tree:

It’s time for apple picking in the orchard today. Owing to the way the apples grow in the tree, special ladders are used by farmers like this man out here to help pluck the apples without damaging the trees.
Man Sitting Under A Tree:

Taking out time is important in life, especially if you are always busy. That is exactly what this man is doing, enjoying a quiet and reflective time in nature while watching the birds fly in the clear sky dotted with a few white clouds.
Mango Tree – Sweet And Sour:

Belonging to the family Anacardiaceae, the Mango tree is native to the Indian subcontinent, and its fruit, the mango, is among some of the most popular fruits in the world. Scientifically known as Mangifera indica, the Mango tree can grow up to 40 feet in height.
Maple Ash Tree:

Here’s another tree that is native to North America, the Maple Ash tree. This hardy tree can grow very fast and is scientifically known as Acer Negundo. The Maple Ash tree also has several other names depending upon the region, like in the US it is also known as Box Elder while Canada calls it Manitoba Maple.
Orange Tree Coloring Page:

Belonging to the family Rutaceae, the Orange tree is known for its fruit which is called orange. The species which produces this sweet fruit is known as Citrus × sinensis. Give this illustration of the orange tree along with the fruit and flower, your best coloring skills.
T For Tree Coloring Page:

With a cool illustration of a tree near a house, the alphabet lesson on this coloring page is about the letter “T” and our topic “Tree”. Make this T for Tree illustration a colorful presentation.
Tree Coloring Pages for Preschoolers:

If you are new to coloring, then this simple and easy illustration of a tree is best suited for you. Print this page and simply color it inside the lines.
Sun Sets Behind A Tree:

One of the most beautiful moments we get to witness every day is the sunset. Adding further beauty to it is the sun setting behind a giant tree.
Tree During Springtime:

Illustrating how the trees would feel about the Spring season, you can see this cartoonish tree smiling as its leaves are green and full of life in Springtime.
Tree Laden With Flowers:

Here’s a more realistic representation of trees in Springtime. This tree is full of gorgeous flowers and leaves.
Arbor Day – Planting Trees:

Celebrated around the world during the Spring season, Arbor Day is a holiday where trees get planted. You can see examples of different trees that can be planted and color each of them in this illustration.
Tulip Poplar Tree:

The Tulip tree, popularly called in the US as Poplar is a hardwood. Scientifically known as Liriodendron tulipifera, you can closely see the leaves, flowers, and how the entire tree in this illustration.
Weeping Willow Tree:

The Weeping Willow tree is known as such because of its long, thread-like foliage which gives the tree a sad, weeping personage. Native to Northern China, the Weeping Willow tree is scientifically known as Salix babylonica.
White Elm Tree:

White Elm tree or more generally the American Elm tree is a hardy tree that is native to eastern North America. It can live up to several hundreds of years and can even survive at extremely low temperatures like -42 degrees Celsius.
While the elm tree can live up to hundreds of years, this is the end of today’s collection of coloring pages inspired by the trees. The current climatic conditions are a concern for countries all around the world. Saving our rainforests and taking care of the trees to maintain the green cover on earth is crucial. You can play your part in saving and conserving the earth by educating others around you and if possible, by planting more trees.