30 Free Cow Coloring Pages Printable


Good day, children! June is here and it’s the peak of summer. Hope you had lots of fun playing out in the open fields. Talking about open fields, wasn’t it so much fun coloring the farm animal collection? To continue the fun, today we have a collection of coloring pages printable of arguably the most popular farm animal – cows.

Cows are ungulates or hooved mammals which have been domesticated for over 10,000 years. They are raised as livestock for beef, milk, and leather among other things. In many countries, their dungs are used for various purposes, from firewood to housing materials. In some countries, cows are revered as a religious figure.

Let’s look deeper into the world of cows and discover more about them through this interesting collection of cow coloring pages to print.

30 Free Cow Coloring Pages Printable

  1. Presenting Baby Cow:

Baby Cow Coloring Page
Baby Cow Coloring Page

We are starting today’s collection with a general illustration of a baby cow, known as a calf or calves for plural. You can see the body structure of a cow, from the head to the ears and the legs to the hooves. There is also a tail at the back, partially visible here. Print this coloring page and fill it with cool colors.

  1. Horned Breed Calf:

Baby Cow Coloring Sheet
Baby Cow Coloring Sheet

Here’s another calf illustration but this one differs from the one before. Yes, this calf has horns. It belongs to one of the many cow breeds having horns. The tail is completely visible here. This calf also has a spotted body. You can take a printout of this coloring page and color it diligently, filling in different colors for the spots.

  1. C For Cow Coloring Page:

C For Cow Coloring Page
C For Cow Coloring Page

If A is for Apple and B is for Boy, then C is for Cow. The accompanied funny illustration on this coloring page looks like this cow has just finished eating its dinner, making it look bulkier. The snout seems like a smiley face, doesn’t it? Have a great time filling happy colors on this coloring page.

  1. Calf On The Green Pastures:

Calf Coloring Pages Printable
Calf Coloring Pages Printable

This calf seems to be looking eagerly while standing on the lush green pastures of the farm. It is looking towards its mother and waiting. At the moment the mother is being milked by the farmer and once they are done the milking, the calf will be able to get back to its mother and continue sucking for milk.

  1. When The New Guy Milked The Cow:

Cartoon Cow Coloring Page
Cartoon Cow Coloring Page

When an inexperienced person tried milking this cow today, the result was funny. This funny cartoon illustration shows just how alarmed the cow felt after the milking attempt. Instead of squeezing on the teats or mammary glands of the cow, the novice farmer was pinching hard, sending the cow into a frenzy. Capture this funny illustration of a farm anecdote with your coloring skills.

  1. Spotted Cow With A Bell:

Cartoon Cow Coloring Pages
Cartoon Cow Coloring Pages

It’s an enjoyable morning for this spotted cow. It is roaming freely on the open fields of the farm, grazing on the green grasses. Like other cows on the farm who are set free inside the boundary of the farm, this spotted cow has a bell around its neck identifying the farm it belongs to, just in case they get lost.

  1. Farm Dog Leading The Cows:

Coloring Page Of Cow
Coloring Page Of Cow

In many farms, special dogs are used to help with navigating and guiding the farm animals like sheep and cows. If any cow leads astray, the farm dog quickly runs and barks at them till they return to the rest of the herd. Bring out your favorite colors for this hardworking farm dog and the obedient cows on this coloring page.

  1. Cartoon Cowboy Cow:

Coloring Pages Of Cow
Coloring Pages Of Cow

A fun illustration showcasing a cow dressed as a cowboy. Cowboys are part of the North American culture and refer to the cattle handlers working on a ranch or farm. This cow has tied a scarf around its neck, one of the trademark items worn by a cowboy which includes jeans, boots and a hat.

  1. Mother Cow And Her Calf:

Cow And Calf Coloring Page
Cow And Calf Coloring Page

The young calf and her mother cow are having quality time together while roaming around the open fields of the farm. They are taking a break from their grazing, as the mother cow grooms her calf. It seems like a nice day to be out, not too sunny and not too cloudy. Print this coloring page and give this illustration some wonderful colors.

  1. C For Cow And C For Carrots:

Cow Coloring Images To Print
Cow Coloring Images To Print

This illustration shows you one more word with the letter C in addition to C for Cow. While the cow enjoys grazing on the grass, there is a pair of carrots on the ground. Which animal is fond of carrots the most? Yes, it’s the rabbits. You can see a curious rabbit popping out its head above the burrow to check out the carrots.

  1. Cow Coloring Page For Kids:

Cow Coloring Pages For Kids
Cow Coloring Pages For Kids

We have an adult horned cow for you to color here. This illustration properly shows the different parts of the cow, including its udder and tail. You can give this cow a mix of two colors – one for the spotted areas and the other color for the rest of the body.

  1. Cow Coloring Page For Preschoolers:

Cow Coloring Pages For Preschoolers
Cow Coloring Pages For Preschoolers

If you have just started learning how to color, then this cute illustration of a cow is the perfect one for you. Look at those big eyes and a happy expression. Print this page and fill in the appropriate colors for different parts of this cow. Don’t miss coloring the tiny bell around its neck.

  1. Early Morning Cow For Milking:

Cow Coloring Pictures To Print
Cow Coloring Pictures To Print

One of the several morning routines on the farm is to milk the cows. Having known each other for long, they greet each other warmly. This little girl had no trouble milking the cow and in no time, she skillfully managed to get a bucketful of milk for the day.

  1. Greedy Cow Eats Too Much:

Cow Colouring Pages Printable
Cow Colouring Pages Printable

Finding a large area of fresh, green pastures, this greedy cow started grazing hurriedly and continued to eat for a long time. Now, it is paying the price of its greediness as it has become round. It is hardly able to keep its feet on the ground. You can notice the hind limb floating in the air. It should have known that excess of anything is bad.

  1. Cow Head Statue:

Cow Head Coloring Pages
Cow Head Coloring Pages

Making statues of animal heads is quite popular. Like the horse head bust in our horse coloring pages collection, this cow head statue is remarkably crafted as well. Make sure to properly color this cow head statue, and if you like then you can even hang it on the wall.

  1. Cow Grazing In The Farm:

Cow In Farm Coloring Page
Cow In Farm

Cows belong to the ruminant category of animals. They eat grasses and other plants, which are digested using the microbes in one of the four compartments of their stomach. They eat the grass without chewing much, it gets regurgitated later by the cow and chewed properly, then it gets swallowed to be digested by the microbes.

  1. Cow In The Field Bothered By A Bee:

Cow In The Field Coloring Page
Cow In The Field

This cow is out in the open to enjoy eating some grasses like any other morning. Today, he is encountering a little bit of inconvenience as a bee is buzzing around the flowers near him. If it is not careful it might get stung by the bee.

  1. It’s Morning In The Fam, It’s Moo Time:

Cow Moo Coloring Page
Cow Moo Coloring Page

Early morning on the farm when the sun has risen, unlike the rooster, the cow moos to welcome the new day. Out of its stable after resting for the night, the morning sun greets the cow and the cow moos to greet the day. Print this page and fill it with bright and hopeful colors.

  1. Cow Grazing On An American Ranch:

Cow Pages To Color
Cow Page To Color

This illustration captures a pleasant Spring day on an American ranch. Look at the size of this large American ranch that even has a windmill. The sun is shining bright and the grasses look inviting to this cow who gets busy grazing. The flowers are blooming. All that this scene needs is your collection of colors.

  1. The Bull Works Out With A Dumbbell:

Cow Pictures To Color
Cow Picture To Color

The male cows are referred to as bulls. Seen as a sign of strength, this illustration showcases the bull’s power by making it lift a dumbbell. Now, you too can show your strength of coloring skills by printing this page and filling it with confident colors.

  1. Two Cows Out On The Farm:

Cows Coloring Page
Cows Coloring Page

Cows prefer to stay in a group and detest being isolated. That’s why they are known as gregarious animals. When isolated they can become stressed. These two cows have just come out of their shelter and are inspecting the farm for a perfect place for their grazing.

  1. Two Horned Cows Grazing:

Cows Coloring Pages Printable
Cows Coloring Page Printable

Just like the other two cows, these two horned cows were looking for a perfect spot to graze. Looks like they found it. They have already started eating the grasses on this green pasture on the other side of the farm.

  1. Cow Grazing Far In The Pasture:

Cute Cow Coloring Pages Printable
Cute Cow Coloring Page

Cows have around 20,000 taste buds and can differentiate between the four primary tastes sweet, salty, bitter, and sour. They like sweet and salty food and are averse to bitter food.

  1. Cute Cow Coloring Page:

Cute Cow Colouring Page
Cute Cow Colouring Page

This cute illustration of the cow makes you wonder if it is hungry. Look at how it is sticking its tongue out and sucking its toes. Comfort it with your soothing colors.

  1. Elf Feeding Cow:

Elf Feeding Cow Coloring Page
Elf Feeding Cow

During Christmas time, while preparing for Santa’s gifts, this little elf found this cow parched. So, it decided to offer the cow some of the coolest drinks he had. Helping out someone in need doesn’t take much time. Sometimes it is as simple as offering a drink or a helping hand.

  1. Cat In Disguise To Milk The Cow:

Farmer Milking Cow Coloring Page
Farmer Milking Cow

The cunning cat is disguised as a human, pretending to milk the cow so that it can drink the milk. But the mother cow is getting suspicious. What do you think happens next? Does the cat escape or the cow kicks it? Contemplate about it while you color this illustration.

  1. Billy Milks The Cow, Puppy Wants A Taste:

Free Printable Cow Coloring Pages
Free Printable Cow Coloring Page

Doing his morning chores, Billy has learned to milk well. Soon, his bucket will be full of the cow’s milk. Following him is his pet puppy, hoping to get a few gulps of the fresh milk.

  1. Life Expectancy Of A Cow:

Free Printable Cow Coloring Sheets
Free Printable Cow Coloring Sheets

The standard life expectancy of a cow is around twenty to twenty-five years. However, the oldest living cow lived for forty-eight years. Known as Big Bertha, it had given birth to 39 calves in its lifetime and died three months short of forty-nine years in 1993.

  1. Garfield In A Cow Suit, Hoping For A Glass Of Milk:

Funny Cow Coloring Picture
Funny Cow

Wearing a cow suit, clever Garfield is on a mission. He has come to the cow anticipating a glassful of freshly squeezed milk. Give this funny illustration some of your fun colors.

  1. Horned Hereford – Highly Adaptable Beef Cattle:

Horned Hereford Cow Coloring Page
Horned Hereford Cow

Horned Hereford is a breed of cow that originated from Britain, to be precise from Herefordshire, hence the name. Over the years, they have spread all over the world after they were exported to different countries. Hereford cows are beef cattle and they have successfully adapted to different places, even some of the harshest regions. They are horned and have a red color body with a white face and underside.

This concludes our entertaining and informative collection of cow coloring pictures to print. Hope you had a great time learning about one of the most common domesticated animals. One estimation study in 2011 found that in total there are around 1.4 billion cattle or cows in the world. Different breeds are produced for specifically different purposes like for meat or milk. Next time, you drink your milk, put butter on your toast, or cheese on your sandwich you might be reminded of the cows you read about and colored in this collection.